Discretized Models of Random Surfaces
Discretized random surface models can be thought of either as models of real membranes, e.g. lipid bilayers or cell membranes, if they are embedded in three dimensions or, more esoterically, of (euclidean) string worldsheets. For the latter, the idea is to find a suitable lattice action and identify a continuum limit to define a string theory.
C. Baillie, D. Johnston and R. Williams, Crumpling in Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature: Nucl. Phys. B335, 469-501, (1990)
C. Baillie, D. Johnston and R. Williams, Non-Universality in Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature: Mod. Phys. Lett. A5, 1671-8, (1990)
C. Baillie, D. Johnston and R. Williams, Crumpling Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces in Higher Dimensions: Phys. Lett. B243, 358-364, (1990)
C. Baillie, D. Johnston and R. Williams, Computing Aspects of Simulating Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces: Comp. Phys. Comm. 58-65, 105, (1990)
C. Baillie G. Kilcup and D. Johnston, Computational Status and Prospects of Lattice Calculations in High Energy Physics: Jour. of Supercomputing, 277-300, (1990)
C. Baillie, S. Catterall, D. Johnston and R. Williams, Further Investigations of the Crumpling Transition in Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces: Nucl. Phys. B348, 543, (1991)
C. Baillie, D. Johnston, Crumpling Dynamically Triangulated Random Surfaces in Two Dimensions: Phys. Lett. B258, 346-52, (1991)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, Weak Self Avoidance and Crumpling in Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature: Phys. Lett. B273, 380-8, (1991)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, Strong Self-Avoidance and Crumpling in Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature : Phys. Lett. B283, 55-62, (1992)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, A Modified Steiner Fuctional String Action: Phys. Rev. D45, 3326-30, (1992)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, An Effective Model for Crumpling in Two-Dimensions: Phys. Rev. D46, 4761-4, (1992)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, Crossover Between Weakly and Strongly Self-Avoiding Random Surfaces: Phys. Lett. B295, 249-55, (1992)
C. Baillie, D. Espriu and D. Johnston, Steiner Variations on Random Surfaces: Phys. Lett. B305, 109-114, (1993)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, Freezing Fluid Random Surfaces: Phys. Rev. D48, 5025-8, (1993)
C. Baillie and D. Johnston, Smooth Random Surfaces from Tight Immersions?: Phys. Rev. D49, 4139-43, (1994)
C. Baillie, A. Irback, W. Janke and D. Johnston, Scaling in Steiner Random Surfaces : Phys. Lett. B325, 45-50, (1994)