Balls in Boxes (ZRP)
Some forays have also been made into solvable nonequilibrium models such as the ASEP (Asymmmetric Exclusion Process) and ZRP (Zero Range Process) with Richard Blythe at Edinburgh University and Piotr Bialas and Zdzislaw Burda in Krakow. This even spilled over into "econophysics" with the Polish collaborators. Revisited more recently to calculate the Renyi entropy of a balls in boxes model.
P. Bialas, Z. Burda and D. Johnston, Condensation in the Backgammon Model: Nucl. Phys. B493, 505-516, (1997)
P. Bialas, Z. Burda and D. Johnston, Balls in Boxes and Quantum Gravity: Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 63A-C 763-765, (1998)
P. Bialas, Z. Burda and D. Johnston, Phase Diagram of the Mean Field Model of Simplicial Quantum Gravity, Nucl. Phys. B542 413-424, (1999)
P. Bialas, L. Bogacz, Z. Burda and D. Johnston, Finite Size Scaling in the Balls in Boxes Model, Nucl. Phys. B575 599-612, (2000)
Z. Burda, D. Johnston, J. Jurkiewicz, M. Kaminski, M.A. Nowak, G. Papp, I. Zahed, Wealth Condensation in Pareto Macro-Economies, Phys. Rev. E65, 026102, (2002)
Z. Burda, D. Johnston, J. Jurkiewicz, M. Kaminski, M.A. Nowak, G. Papp, I. Zahed, Wealth Condensation and “Corruption” in a Toy Model, Acta Phys. Pol. 36 2442, (2005)