(Academic) CV
A moderately up to date academic CV contains the usual stuff like grants awarded (not many), publications (a few), competencies/skills (limited) and University teaching awards (two). "Highlights" of the research publications are listed, naturally enough, in the Research section, with the really ancient stuff in the PhD section.
There are also Talks, a few Videos of seminars and some links to Teaching at Heriot-Watt and AIMS (African Institute of Mathematical Sciences).
(Academic) Life History
After growing up in Belfast in the 60s and 70s and studying Natural Sciences as an undergraduate at Trinity College Cambridge, I emerged from a PhD in Theoretical Physics at Imperial College, London in 1986 into a rather bleak Thatcherite landscape. As a consequence I decided to go abroad, first to LPTHE (now LPT) Orsay, near Paris, in 1986-7 then to Caltech in LA in 1987-9. I managed to be in Berlin in 1989, by accident rather than design, at the Free University for a few months while The Berlin Wall came down before rounding off my wanderings at Lancaster University in the northwest of England as a temporary lecturer in physics in 1990.
It occurred to me, belatedly, that I could apply for jobs in mathematics as well as physics, which I did, and ended up as a (maths) lecturer at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh in 1990. I have been there ever since as a senior lecturer, reader and professor apart from a year's leave of absence in 1993-4 as a Marie Curie/HCM (Human Capital and Mobility) Fellow at Orsay again, an in-situ RSE/SOEID Fellowship in 1998-9 and shorter sojourns at the Isaac Newton Institute, the Institut Henri Poincare, the Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita.
Since 2013 I have also been involved with lecturing at the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Ghana, Senegal and South Africa.